17 Year old car insurance policies usually cost higher than for those who are of an older age because they have higher accident risks. Because of this, the teenagers usually experience a hard time just to get an acceptable car insurance with good offers and low cost.
But despite this, there are easier ways for a 17 year old car insurance policy to get low costs and easier approval.
As a teenager, you are still under your parents' responsibility, and because of this reason, you may find yourself happily piggybacking on your parents' car insurance policy for your own car. This is perfectly fine and legal, but it should be stated and proven that you are living under your parents' home for this to become possible.
Having good grades at school is also a good method to get 17 year old car insurance discount. Performing well at school would imply good sense of responsibility, allowing you to get off the hook from the insurer's high costs, giving you discounts to as high as twenty five percent off.
Good driving records will also allow you to avail of many discounts and benefits. Having good driving experiences and records will let you establish a good reputation with the insurance agent, thus allowing you to have more access to benefits and gain more discounts as you prove to them your sense of responsibility.
The insurance cost will also depend on the type of car you will be getting it for. Getting insurance for a flashy sports car will surely require a large cut from your stash of cash. But it is entirely a different matter if you have a safer model for a car such as a Volvo or an old model of Honda Civic, which is, apart from its safe speed rate, it also not attractive to car-related crimes like car jacking or theft.

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