Knowing the differences between the loan types is extremely useful because not all of them may provide the finance you need and some of them though they may offer higher amounts, also have harsh requirements. Thus, in order to know which loan type best suits your needs, you must know the differences between the diverse kinds of bad credit loans available.
Bad Credit Loans? How Bad?
The first questions that may rise when considering bad credit loans are: Can I get approved for a bad credit loan with any credit score? How bad can my credit be? Different kinds of loans have different requirements, there are some loans that imply no credit checks and thus, it doesn't matter how bad your credit is. However, these loans may not provide what you need. Other loans that are tailored for people with bad credit still run credit checks and if you can't meet their credit requirements you'll be declined all the same.
Cash Advance Loans
Some Cash Advance loans do not require credit checks at all. However, this loans offer only small amounts and short repayment programs. You can only get a couple of thousands and you have to repay them within six months at most. The only requirements for approval are: proof of a steady income (job, government endowment, etc.) and a bank account where the money can be deposited. These loans carry probably the highest interest rate for a financial product in the whole loan market.
Bad Credit Personal Loans
Bad Credit personal loans are what most people want when looking for a bad credit loan: an Unsecured Personal loan meant for those with a low credit score and a bad credit history. However, these loans are not easy to qualify. Yes, they are meant for people with bad credit but you need to have a steady income and a credit history free from critical delinquencies (default, bankruptcy) in the near past. Moreover, in order to compensate for the high risk involved, the interest rate charged for these loans is higher than traditional loans and sometimes even higher than credit card financing.
Bad Credit Home Equity Loans
Bad Credit Home Equity Loans are the best source of finance for those with bad credit. However, in order to qualify, you need to meet a requirement that not all people can show. Bad Credit home equity loans require that you own a property and have sufficient equity left to secure the loan. Bad credit can be overlooked since the lender has sufficient assurance that he will recover his money either by payment or through repossession. The interest rate, though higher than traditional secured loans, it is lower than all of the above. The amount you can obtain is significantly higher and the repayment program is also more flexible.

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