In the beautiful surroundings of the Malvern Hills at the Three Counties Showground Kelsey Publishing hosted Tractor World from the 3rd - 4th March. The show consisted of two huge halls filled to the brim with a wide range of tractors, stationary engines and the odd truck thrown in for good measure. Saturday saw Howard Pugh host the first Major Tractor Auction of the year and Sunday had a new addition of the Sodbury Sortout. There was also the Build-a-Fergie Competition, which consists of competing teams who build and start a disassembled Ferguson within times that are sub 10 minutes, which is always impressive.
I packed my sketchbook and sandwiches (peanut butter and jam for those of you that are interested)and sketched the day away whilst talking to people from as far away as Nebraska so the show definitely pulled them in from all around.

1917 Overtime Model R
(digitally painted ink sketch)
According to the information this overtime was found in a hedgerow near Didcot after being used as a chassis for a Shepherd hut.

1936 Massey Harris Pacemaker
(digitally painted ink sketch)
Purchased in 2008 as a non-runner, restored mechanically but kept original.

Drivers View

Oil in all the right places (I think)

1953 Nuffield M4
(digitally painted ink sketch)
Converted to a 3-wheeler in the mid 50's and spent it's working life in W. Yorkshire
Last sketch of the day was this fantastic Rumely. I always like the way these machines look, with there series of cans connected by tubes, visible functionality at it's best.

1929 Rumely Oil Pull
Model 20-30W
(digitally painted ink sketch)

Original lease-lend tractor. Purchased in 1998, and received a full mechanical restoration over the next 12 years.
Single Cylinder Kerosene tractor, One forward & one reverse gear.
Built in Chicago this tractor was imported by the UK government during the first world war and leased to a farm in the Cambridge area. The Tractor was rescued from a major flood in the 40's by a tractor dealer from Peterborough. it stood in the yard until the 60's when it was bought and restored over 10 years.
Bopught in 1992 in a poor state. Rebuilt engine and new clutch, used daily.
This year sees the 50th anniversary of the 35x, and the show programme (given away free along with two free magazines!), had a very good article on the model.
An ongoing project owned by Mike Trout. The Tractor was originally imported from the US, where it had stood idle for 12 years in 2011. A real beast of a thing.

1931 Case C

Last but by no means least this Fordson Major County which was part of the Howard Pugh Auction.
This is only a section of what was there and if you like what you see I would thoroughly recommend attending Tractor World in 2013 as it was a fantastic day out. Kelsey Publishing also produce a fantastic array of Tractor magazines for more information please visit their website:
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