Thursday, October 31, 2013
Erie Insurance Agent Locator - Progressive Auto Insurance Company Review
Check Internet #1 - Erie Insurance Agent Locator and solve your problems right now! Progressive Auto Insurance Company is a well known and trusted insurance company providing car insurance coverage to many US residents. Read this Progressive Auto Insurance Company review to better understand what Progressive is all about and then decide if they may be a good fit to provide your car insurance coverage. With so many automobile insurance choices the customers today have to do plenty of shopping around before deciding on which one to select. While some customers decide to go with small insurance companies, some other ones like the idea of being covered by an automobile insurance with nationwide presence. Reasons for this might be that big auto insurance companies have more money which gives members security in knowing that they will be paid in case of an accident and they have a higher number of employees which in turn translate to faster claim processing. An automobile insurance company that is known nationwide because of its commercials and its great customer service is Progressive Automobile Insurance Company. Progressive was started in the year 1937 by two lawyers by the names of Joseph Lewis and Jack Green for the sole purpose or providing vehicle owners with security and protection. An important thing for the company has always been innovation, and they continue to strive for it through the years. Progressive was the first to offer a drive through insurance claim service and the option of paying the premium in installments, the later one which attracted those customers who could not pay the whole payment annually. They became a publicly traded company in the year 1971 and they moved their headquarters to the city of Cleveland. By 1987 the company surpassed the $1 billion in premiums and it only took them 7 years to surpass the $2 billion margin. They kept expanding and now they not only offer automobile insurance, but they started home and property insurance. Between the years of 1996 and 2005 the company grew an average of 16% every year and expanded their assets from $3.5 to $14 billion. Today, Progressive is one of the best insurance companies in the United States, and the third largest automobile insurance company in the country for that matter. Experts in the insurance company field predict Progressive Auto Insurance to keep growing and the rating of A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best is an indication of that since they rate Progressive as one of the best companies in financial security and performance. One of the most important things that have launched Progressive Insurance Company to the top of the insurance ladder is their website. In the year 1995 when the Internet was just starting to gain popularity among companies around the United States, Progressive was the first insurance company to launch a website. Although at first it was only composed of only information, it soon became more interactive and the company started gaining customers. Check Internet #1 Check Internet #1 - Erie Insurance Agent Locator and solve your problems right now! right now! Nowadays, the automobile insurance company prides itself in having one of the best websites in the industry. Some of the features that a customer can find in a Progressive website include a policy and service management section where policyholders can log in to make payments, update their policies, etc. The company also has a direct rate ticker that allows you to see the rate given to you if you are a potential customer, alongside rates of other companies and an online claims reporting. Since customer service is one of the most important things for the company, they also have an agent locator and a part of the website called "Talk to Me" which allows customers who have a question about their quote; to talk to a customer service representative from the company so that their doubts can be clarified. Like every other company, Progressive has a series of discounts that allow its customers to save some money. The E-sign discount is designed for customers that sign and enroll through the Progressive website, to save $50 instantaneously and the pay in full discount allows a member to pay the entire rate in a single lump, which can end up saving them over 10% of the actual price. Other discounts include but are not limited to good student, more than one car in one policy and good driver discount. Since discounts can also vary by the state that you are in it is important for you to call your Progressive Insurance Agent or contact your local office for more information. Other features offered if you decide to become a Progressive member are total loss replacement (in case you total your car after an accident), accident forgiveness (which allows the customer to lock in the rate and evade rising rates after an unexpected crash) and online/phone support through text messages, your cell or the internet. Last but not least it is important to discuss the options that premium members (those who pay a little bit more annually) have. Those customers have superior claims service that allows them to just drop off their car right after the crash and immediate response vehicles that show up as soon as you get into a car wreck. Progressive will continue to grow if they keep providing their customers many different options in coverage, discounts and deductibles. The innovative company that once was started by two lawyers in search for a good way to start their careers now has become one of the best automobile insurance companies in the United States. Check Internet #1 Check Internet #1 - Erie Insurance Agent Locator and solve your problems right now! right now!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Getting A Tesco Car Insurance Quote
To survive the busy streets of the United Kingdom, free from the worries of meeting an accident and ending up broke because of all the expenses that it can cause, having a car insurance is a must. Tesco Finance could help you get and compare insurance quotes, anytime, anywhere. Getting a Tesco car insurance quote online only requires you to sit in front of a computer, type, click, read, and compare. A Tesco car insurance quote can be easily acquired over the Web. In these times when almost everything can be searched and found through the Internet, you can do important things by just simply browsing during your free time. When you go to the web site of Tesco finance, you will easily see the link that will lead you to getting a car insurance quote. The Tesco car insurance page will give you a more or less brief description of what's in store for you should you choose to get a Tesco car insurance quote. The Tesco car insurance quote should prove what Tesco Finance and Insurance is promising. Discounts are awaiting those who will get the Tesco car insurance quote online. Those who will acquire the car insurance quote online will be entitled to a 10% discount. More privileges and exclusive discounts await Tesco clubcard customers. As for the newbies who are just trying out the services of Tesco, they can enjoy a 6% discount. Tesco adheres to its principle that consumers should not pay for more than what their insurance really costs. Thus, you can be assured that there will be no unreasonable or additional charges in your car insurance. Once you get a Tesco quote, you will be able to see the truth in this claim. If you are still unsure, you can use Tesco Compare. Tesco Compare will help you see, study, and compare car insurance quotes, including the car insurance quote from Tesco. Tesco does not only aim to help its customers find the cheapest car insurance, it also aims to guide consumers in comparing car insurance quotes to help them find the best one out there. Car insurance quotes will define and affect your decisions so it is better to be able to compare prices. At Tesco, you don't only get a Tesco car insurance quote but you also get to see other quotes. Additionally, a bonus service will also be given to the customer who will acquire a car insurance through Tesco compare. A free access to a lost key recovery service will be granted which is effective within a year.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Biker Gangs, Range Rovers and Class Wars
I haven't posted on here as often as I would like due to a huge surge of work from various clients. That's a good thing, so I can't complain really.
In any case, I've been following fairly closely the whole criminal case of the biker gang in NYC that attacked the family in the Range Rover. I knew about the story before the major news outlets picked it up, and I was shocked from the beginning.
Sadly, I wasn't shocked that the bikers behaved as they did. I've owned a variety of vehicles, but every time I drive a European vehicle it seems to be a magnet for douche bags on sport bikes. I've had several of them literally almost touching my back bumper as I'm traveling down the road, hot dogging around me, and in general acting overly aggressive. The part that really pissed me off was that these human pieces of trash could see that I had a baby seat in the backseat of the car, but that means nothing to them. I was just driving on the road, going somewhere and minding my own business when they decided to single me out, not the Corolla by me, or the Mazda6 or even the F-150. Why is that? More on that in a second.
With the case in NYC, there was a two year old in the backseat, but that didn't stop the whole attack. In fact, now that more details are coming out, it's become clear that murder was the end goal of the attack. A single man stepped in between the bikers and the victim, telling them to stop. Why didn't more people intervene? I know in psychology you learn about group anonymity in such situations, where people don't act because they can remain anonymous in a group of bystanders.I'm sure some people were scared they would be next if they tried to intervene. Thankfully someone thought of more than their own hide and stopped things, otherwise the whole case would probably be a homicide investigation.
Even more shocking is the new detail that one biker smashed the front passenger side window and began trying to pull the wife out of the Range Rover, stating that she was "next." If there was any doubt before that these bikers need to hang for what they did, that should completely remove it. Apparently at that point some bystanders did speak up, shouting "not the lady" or something like that. Why didn't anyone shout "stop beating that man" or something like that?
I know the whole situation is complex, but I have a theory. You see, going back to my experiences of driving a European vehicle and having dumbasses on sport bikes drive aggressively around me has given me additional insight. Most people buy sport bikes because they provide cheap performance versus a high-powered car. I know some people just love motorcycles, but the sport bikes seem to really attract overly aggressive types who want a cheap thrill. So you have individuals with constrained finances and a thirst for power. They see someone with a vehicle they perceive as expensive and fast and they get pissed. It's simple class conflict at this point. From what I understand, where the beating of the Range Rover driver took place was not in a nice part of New York. It's possible that at least some of the bystanders thought the Range Rover driver was getting what was coming to him simply because of class jealousy. The wife, on the other hand, is given a pass because people often view them as "victims" of their affluent husband. It's a messed up way of looking at things, but I think it was at least a factor in the situation. Had it been a guy in an older Ford Explorer, part of me wonders if more people would've intervened. There's no way to tell for sure, but it makes me wonder.
What do you think: did people stand and watch the beating because of class conflict, maybe even at the subconscious level? Or is there some other factor that was driving the inactivity of the crowd? Would things have played out differently if the victim had been in a less expensive vehicle?
20th Carole Nash Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show
Stafford Comes but twice a year and it's always a great opportunity to catch up with people that I have met at shows past. I also got some sketching in too...
1954 Rennfox / Sportmax
(ink sketch)
Well I couldn't let this one get away. NSU only made 6 of these GP bikes and this one is sporting a factory fitted 250cc engine rather than the standard 125cc. The Original 125 engine was taken from this bike to power the Baumm II which took world records in 1956, one of them stood at 150.3mph.

1923 Cotton
(ink sketch)
I'm a sucker for a Blackburne engine and the triangulated frame of a Cotton always looks dynamic. Apparently this machine is good for 70mph not bad for a 90 year old machine.
1924 Norton Big Four
(ink sketch)
Norton Flat tanks always look good and this is a particularly early example, plus it was the only bike on the Vintage and Veteran Stand that I hadn't sketched.
Twin Pot Cycle Master
(ink sketch)
I alway look forward to seeing what the NACC (National Autocycle and Cyclemotor Club) bring to the Stafford show and this year they didn't disappoint. I had to look twice when looking at this machine as it has two engines instead of the usual one hidden away within the specially adapted bycycle hub. Apparently the owner and builder of this wonderful machine got fed up of having to push it up hills. The Cylinders are opposed which apparently makes it sound good but if they worked in unison they would probably produce a bit more poke.
Bespoke chokes made from matching ha'pennys by dates
Other Stafford Finds....
1937 Motorconfort
If I had the cash I would have snapped this up.
Zedel engine on the 1904 Peugeot on the Vin & Vet Stand
Yamaha Scooter in the Autojumble
Something about this CMZ...
Wemoto's Coccinella TT50 Mk1
Built from a combination of bycycle and moped bits this was a great little build.
Great lineup of trials bikes in the jumble
Love these JAP Speedway bikes.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Cutting Down The Budget With Cheapest Car Insurance
It comes a time in our lives that our budget gets into our nerves. Either we are with a good job or the not the budget is an ever going thing making the night sleepless. though we try how many ever time we could we cannot keep the budget in control with low expenses. Some people have ended up taking two or three jobs which is a strain to them. One thing that we all have failed to think about is how we spend the money., the main reason for the budget to hike is the traditional shopping style. this type of shopping style was used when they has plenty of money in the pocket. it made them to shop easily in the big shopping malls without any difficulty but now everything is changed. We have cheap things being sold a round and they are of good quality and value. we have many things like cheap cars to buy with the cheapest car insurances and also cloths and many other things. all these cheap products with good quality will help managing your budget and this will also save your money when you compare the prices which are very expensive in the big shopping mall. Like the Cheapest car insurance that is available. Insurance companies are in a competition and each is forced to think outside the box so that they can stay in business. this competition among the insurance companies have created the output of cheapest car insurance. the rates offered for the car insurance are unbelievable. Some insurance companies have come up with an one day car insurance. All this is because of the tight competition among the insurance companies and each is trying to be creative while preserving the quality at the same time attracting more clients. The customer has nothing to lose. this in fact will help you to get relieved from the unwanted pressure and will also not disturb your budget. the only thing you need to do is to search for. With the internet facility now this is easy to do. Online insurance companies have advance website that will help you find the cheapest car insurance. It is also easy and safe to get the quote for the insurance. you will get an opportunity of not worrying about the sales pitch through online insurance. it is possible for you to get the insurance from the companies that do not have the agents or brokers. you can also expect for some discount on the cheapest car insurance. Through the discount offers they help you to save money and they are also saving the man power through online service. By: Karl VCohen
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Shop For Your Car Insurance Online
Shopping for car insurance is something that you should do every so often to make sure that you are getting the best rates. It doesn't matter if you already have a carrier who you may have been with for a while, rates change every day. While you may personally feel that your insurer should automatically reward you for your loyalty, this way of doing business is not always the case. It is best for you to look out for yourself and check with different insurers periodically to make sure you are getting the best premiums. When it comes to car insurance, there are many factors that can influence how much you will pay for coverage. Those factors include where you live, how long you have carried prior coverage, your driving record, and even your credit rating and they are all used to calculate your rates. Keep in mind that premiums differ greatly. No matter what one insurer is charging you, you may be able to get a fairer price from another. Sometimes you may be able to get a better premium from some of the lesser-known companies. In this day and age where the price of owning an automobile is quickly adding up, every little bit you can save on car insurance will help out a lot. One of the best things about shopping for car insurance is that you can do it online. You don't have to visit any offices or explain why you are shopping around to any agents. You can search any time you feel like it without ever leaving your home. Even if you don't have the best credit profile and driving record, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of getting lower rates. Many insurers can offer your discounts on your coverage if you only use your vehicle to drive a certain amount of distance each year. If you happen to own more than one vehicle, the vehicle that is used for pleasure may entitle you to a cheaper premium. Make sure you make that distinction when you are filling out your information for quotes. Consider signing up for safe driver programs. Many insurers now offer discounts for drivers that allow them to record their driving habits. If you don't have any problems with your carrier monitoring your driving habits, then this can save you a good deal of money throughout the year. Drive safer. The longer you go without receiving any tickets or citations, the lower your premiums will be. Don't be afraid to speak with any agents. Even though you may be shopping for car insurance online, you still have negotiating power. Get several quotes and compare the premiums. Contact the companies and talk with them. Let them know that you have received a lower offer for premiums from one of their competitors. Ask them if they can match or even beat the premium. Make sure that any insurer you go with provides you with service and the proper amount of coverage that you need and can afford.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Scammell Pioneer Sketch Session with Stefan Majoram
After a Facebook post by Stefan Marjoram asking about a truck he had found at a local sports ground, Stefan and I couldn't resist making an impromptu trip to get some sketching done.
(ink sketch)
Stefan's sketches can be found on his wonderful Sketch Blog. Stefan was kind enough to send me one of the sketches as a gift, what a wonderful bloke.
(Stefan's ink sketch)
We didn't meet the owner of this wonderful vehicle but we guess it is an army truck.
768 Scammells were built from 1937 onwards.
They were used in the war to tow artillery such as the 7.2 inch howitzer
Love this 6 cylinder Gardner, it produces 102bhp
Some great large shapes on this beast of a truck.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Well it may have seemed like a year ago but it has only been a matter of months since the Bike Shed Motorcycle Club put on their first show at the Shorditch studios. The second incarnation bought with it a bigger and more varied show, a nice change after having been to a lot of more traditional bike shows this year.
Nicks Radical Pantah
(ink sketch)
First sketch of the Event was this Radical Ducati. The main reasons for choosing this bike is that it certainly did have a radical stance and the angles of the tank contrasting with the curved seat and cowling really gave me something to work with.
The bike has two bikes at it's heart using both an '85 Cagiva Aluzzurra and a '92 Ducati 750ss. The This shed build is based around a Radical Ducati idea, all fabrication and associated build up is by the owner Nick Huges. I don't know a huge amount about these bikes but I certainly had a great time drawing it.
Shinya Kimura Harley Sportster
(ink sketch)
This is the second Shinya harley I've sketched this year, the first was at Krazy Horse at the Sideburn launch party. In usual Shinya style this bike had incredible hand shaped bodywork that organically wraps round the machine. When sketching most bikes you normally find details that you didn't originally see. This bike however really did keep me on my toes especially with it's intricate cowling that wraps itself into the fuel tank, and then leads onto the air intake....
(ink sketch)
It Rocks Bikes have created a lightweight 4 cylinder monster with this custom Yamaha XJR 1200. I'm always taken by the look of 4 cylinder bikes with the multitude of pipes. The tank and seat are beautifully crafted in one piece and the minimal look sticks to the bikes classical roots while increasing the power by 12-15 bhp and reducing the weight from 233kg to 200kg.
Midnight Pheonix
(ink sketch)
4H10 have taken a classic '79 Moto Guzzi California and formed it into a real sleek cafe racer by using a Guzzi Le Mans 3 engine and coupling it with a beautifully painted alloy tank with white lines intertwining with feathers that beat straight pin striping.
Project White Rabbit
('78 Honda 400 Four Super Sport)
(ink sketch)
I missed a 750 four at the first BSMC Event and so I decided not to let this one get away. I've always been quite taken with the Honda 4s. There is something about the bulky look coupled with (again) the quad pipes snaking their way round the engine. This one has been only mildly customised and obviously ridden and was a breath of fresh air amongst the other more heavily worked machines.
CMBL Beach Hopper
(ink sketch)
Possibly the most sensible option for taking the board to the beach is this neat board bike by CMBL. Built around a Honda CB100NA I think this build has been simply and effectively executed. Being their first build I'm certainly looking forward to seeing where CMBL go from here with both their bikes and surfboards.
Mrs Robinson
(ink sketch)
Last bike of the show was... yes another 4 pot. This time another minimal build which sticks to the essentials to create a classic looking cafe racer from a '78 Suzuki GS750. I particularly like the knee scoops. Built by Robinsons Speed Shop
!!!!Maxwell Paternoster!!!!
I first met Maxwell at the beginning of the year in the Ace Cafe car park as he rocked up on his suped up Honda Cub. His artwork is something that can only come from a mind such as Maxwells' and is truly unique, incorporating repeating themes of blood, gore, satan and the occasional seal, oh and lots of eye popping. Check out His Website to see what he's been up to
Laying Down Gold on Satans Face
Old Empire Motorcycles
The Bulldog
Kingdom of Kicks
James from K/K has built another no messing ridable classic with pipes by the ever consistent Co-Built
Muff Customs
A relatively new outfit Muff Customs seem to be keeping it simple too making ridable bikes that are geared to work both on urban and dirt surfaces.
The Bike Park was constantly turing up cool stuff including this Honda:
and sometimes the odd curiosity...
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Let's All Hate on the New Cadillac Escalade!
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Images courtesy Cadillac |
I remember when Cadillac first announced it was making the Escalade. I heard from it from my college marketing professor, who said it was the best way to be obnoxious toward everyone else on the road. He literally leaned on all of his marketing knowledge to conclude before the SUV ever hit showroom floors it would be piloted by overly aggressive individuals stilting in a most ostentatious act of conspicuous consumption.
The first time I saw spinners they were on an Escalade, of course. When I finally saw the interior of the Escalade I was shocked since it was nearly identical to a top-of-the-line Chevy Suburban. It was then that I realized the Escalade was the biggest joke GM, the great killer of car companies, ever played on the public.
Now GM has a chance to redeem itself. It's put out an impressively advanced Corvette, the Cruze, and some other compelling vehicles. Some of the rumors I heard stated the new Escalade would have less bling and more luxury on the interior. From the pictures, the interior does look more luxurious, which shouldn't be a surprise considering the cabins in the ATS and XTS.
Sadly, the Escalade still is a bling monster, but I suppose people buy it for that reason. So let's all hate on the Escalade because it's pretty senseless and potentially morally bankrupt. In a way it reminds me of the annoying kid in school who's always showing up with the latest in flashy gizmos, but everyone still makes fun of him. Part of you feels sorry for him, but another part of you finds him so damn annoying you still point a finger and laugh.
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